The MCH Training Program: An Evaluation

Training EvaluationThe MCH Training Program was the second MCHB-funded initiative to be conducted by NCEMCH. The MCH Training Program: An Evaluation, is the product of the second phase of the evaluation of the program, and builds on Building the Future: The Maternal and Child Health Training Program, published in March 2000. Phase one of the analysis of the MCH Training Program, which resulted in Building the Future, described the 14 training priority areas (Adolescent Health, Behavioral Pediatrics, Communication Disorders, Continuing Education, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities [LEND], Nursing, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Pediatric Dentistry, Pediatric Pulmonary Centers, Physical Therapy, Schools of Public Health, and Social Work), traced the evolution of the priorities over time, and identified common themes across the training projects.

Phase two of the evaluation, the results of which are summarized in the newly released document, analyzed the distinguishing characteristics of each of the long-term training priorities, assessed the accomplishments of the MCH Training Program, and developed recommendations to help the MCHB make future assessments of this category of grants.

Findings from phase two of the evaluation include:

  • The MCH Training Program is a significant component of the overall Title V program
  • The Training Program trains new leaders and supports existing leaders to be more effective
  • Trainees who graduate from training projects are engaged in leadership activities and perceive themselves as leaders
  • Training project faculty provide a significant amount of technical assistance, consultation, and continuing education at the local, state, and national levels
  • Training project faculty and former trainees advance the MCH field through active involvement in their professional associations
  • Training projects collaborate with one another, other non-funded universities, and Title V agencies

The full report and The MCH Training Program: An Evaluation - Executive Summary 560k, can be downloaded as PDF files. Also available for downloading are technical documents used during the evaluation, such as the record review data collection form, site visit interview questions, Title V director focus group questions, and former trainee interview questions, as well as the findings of phase I of the evaluation and individual training priority fact sheets.

Table of Contents

Front Matter
In Memoriam vi
Acknowledgments vii
Training Program Priorities and Definitions viii

Chapter 1: Introduction and Methodology 1
Background 2
The Training Program and the MCH Mission 3
Goals of the MCH Training Program 5
Needs Addressed by the MCH Training Program 7
Focusing the Evaluation 9
Study Methodologies 9
Summary 13
icon-pdf.gifChapter 1 192k
Chapter 2: A Statistical Snapshot of the MCH Training Program 15
MCH Training Program Expenditures 16
Resources Devoted to Trainees 16
Resources Utilized for Faculty Leadership 19
Distribution of MCH Training Program Grants 21
Summary 24
icon-pdf.gifChapter 2 192k
Chapter 3: Training for Leadership 27
Differences in Leadership Training Among Projects 28
Aspects of Training for Leadership 31
Assessing Project Success in Training Leaders 33
Summary 44
icon-pdf.gifChapter 3 256k
Chapter 4: Supporting Faculty in Leadership Roles 47
The MCH Training Program Model of Leadership
Versus the University Model of Scholarship 48
Collaboration and the Interdisciplinary Approach 49
Fostering Change Within Universities 50
The Need for MCH Faculty Leaders 51
Summary 52
icon-pdf.gifChapter 4 192k
Chapter 5: Contributing to Advances in the Field 53
Nurturing New Professional Subspecialties 54
Influencing Professional Associations 54
Developing Innovations in Treatment and Services 55
Serving as a Voice for Children 56
Encouraging Research 58
Fostering Diversity 59
Summary 61
icon-pdf.gifChapter 5 192k
Chapter 6: Promoting Collaboration 63
Technical Assistance, Consultation, and Continuing Education 64
Collaboration Across Projects and with Nonfunded Universities 67
Collaboration with Title V Programs 68
Summary 71
icon-pdf.gifChapter 6 128k
Chapter 7: The Economics of MCH Training 73
The Role of Tuition in Academic Decision-Making 74
The Role of Other Funding Sources in Academic Decision-Making 76
The Impact of Reimbursement on Clinical Training 77
Leveraging of MCH Training Program Grants 79
Summary 81
icon-pdf.gifChapter 7 256k
Chapter 8: Recommendations 83
Planning, Assessment, and Evaluation 84
Portfolio Policies 87
Budget Policies and Guidelines 90
Program Stewardship 91
Conclusion 96
icon-pdf.gif Chapter 8 448k
Notes 99
Bibliography 103
A: MCH Training Program Evaluation Project Advisory Committee Members 109
B: Site-Visited Projects and Project Directors 111
C: Additional Information on Interviews with Former Trainees 115
Table 1: Maternal and Child Health Bureau Long-Term Training Program Priorities, FY 1999 17
Table 2: Median Awards by Priority Area, FY 1999 19
Table 3: Trainees Supported by MCH Training Grants, FY 1999 20
Table 4: Faculty Supported by MCH Training Grants, FY 1999 23
Table 5: Demographics of Former Trainee Sample and Respondents 118
Table 6: Current Employment of Former Trainees 119
Table 7: Former Trainees' Participation in Leadership Activities 120
Figure 1: MCH Pyramid 4
Figure 2: MCH Training Program Logic Model 10
Figure 3: Allocation of Training Program Funds Among Priorities, FY 1999 22
Figure 4: Training Program Grantee Budgets, FY 1999 22
Figure 5: MCHB Training Grant Sites, FY 1999 25
Figure 6: Former Trainees Still Practicing in MCH Field 36
Figure 7: Job Change After Completing MCH Training 37
Figure 8: Job Change Attributed to MCH Training 38
Figure 9: Former Trainees Who Had a Faculty Mentor 38
Figure 10: Importance of Faculty Mentoring to Former Trainees' Careers 39
Figure 11: Former Trainees Who Received Continued Mentoring After Training 40
Figure 12: Former Trainees Who Consider Themselves a Leader in the Field 40
Figure 13: Leadership by Cohort 41
Figure 14: Examples of Leadership Activities of Former Trainees 42
Figure 15: Examples of Recent Leadership Activities of MCH
Training Program Grant Faculty 55
Figure 16: Examples of Treatment and Service Innovations 56
Figure 17: Examples of Policy Work of Grantees 57
Figure 18: Publications Produced by Supported Faculty and Trainees, FY 1999 58
Figure 19: Technical Assistance, Consultation, and Continuing Education Examples 66
Figure 20: Examples of University-Based Collaborations 69
Figure 21: Examples of Consultation with Nonfunded Universities 70
Figure 22: Examples of Collaborations Between Title V Offices and MCH Training
Program Projects 71
icon-pdf.gifNotes, Bibliography, Appendices, Tables, Figures and Program Projects 128k

Interview Questions: