Sleeping Baby

Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage, Stillbirth

SUID/SIDS Prevention


Table of Contents


Pregnancy Loss (Medline Plus) The basics of miscarriage and stillbirth, coping, specific conditions, clinical trials, research, journal articles, directories, organizations, statistics.


  • American Pregnancy Association: Pregnancy Loss Information for consumers on miscarriage, stillbirth, physical and emotional recovery, and discussion forums.
  • American Society for Reproductive Medicine Patient fact sheets and education booklets, book reviews, professional materials for members topic index.
  • BabyLoss (United Kingdom) Information and support for bereaved parents and their families, support organizations in the United Kingdom and internationally.
  • Infant Mortality and Pregnancy Loss Knowledge Path Resources for professionals and families from the Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University.
  • Miscarriage Support Auckland (New Zealand) Emotional support and information for women and their families during and after miscarriage and subsequent pregnancies, with links to books, pamphlets, personal memories, poems, and other Web sites in New Zealand and internationally.
  • M.I.S.S. Foundation Information for health professionals, families, and bereaved children, directory of support groups in the U.S., materials in Spanish, information on increasing a child's chance of surviving to age one, the Kindness Project for remembering a child.
  • Miscarriage Personal accounts of experiences with miscarriage, including common questions, information for adolescents experiencing pregnancy, memorial resources, blogs, and link to a Miscarriage Facebook Group.
  • Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Alliance Resource list of books, professional materials, videos and DVDs, parent support organizations, and resource centers. Updated annually.
  • Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Resources to support grieving families, bookstore, list of local Share groups in the U.S., training information, chat rooms (24-hours plus scheduled moderated chats for bereaved parents and for pregnancy after loss), toll free number for referrals to professionals.

Journal articles

The Journal Article Alert contains many recent articles on aspects of miscarriage, stillbirth, and other prenatal issues.