Since 1982, NCEMCH has served as a launching platform and incubator of national, state, and local projects to advance the knowledge and skills the MCH workforce. NCEMCH puts knowledge about MCH issues to practical use for federal, state, and community public health professionals, policymakers, and the public.
These projects have established a distinguished record of accomplishment, having earned over 50 awards for outstanding contributions to the health-promotion and disease-prevention field, including the HRSA Administrator’s Special Citation for Rochelle Mayer, the MCHB Young Leadership Award for John Richards, HRSA’s Special Performance Recognition Award for Jolene Bertness, the MCHB Director’s Award (for development of TVIS), APEX Awards for Excellence (MCH Navigator, NCEMCH, OHRC, and Bright Futures), World Wide Web Health Merit Awards from the Health Information Resource Center (NCEMCH), and a Yahoo! Best Site Award (HSNRC). In addition, NCEMCH website earned the UsableNet Seal of Approval for exceeding Section 508 of ADA requirements and has been featured as a model accessibility site.
NCEMCH has maintained a productive relationship with MCHB and other funding agencies and has founded and operated numerous national centers and data projects, including: