

Our Mission

The National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH) provides national leadership to the maternal and child health community in three key areas--systems-wide program development, education, and state-of-the-art knowledge--to improve the health and well-being of the nation's children and families. NCEMCH has been recognized by MCHB leadership as "a shining example of applying the academic orientation of the university to the needs of community and state-based health care programs" and as "an absolutely essential component of the nation's MCH program."

Our MCH Navigator provides online, competency-based learning to strengthen the current and emerging MCH workforce. The MCH Evidence Center provides tools, training, and technical assistance in choosing evidence-based strategies to address each of the national performance measures. The MCH Digital Library provides access to highly curated resources that can help you no matter the MCH topic you are working on. Our HealthCheck Training and Resource Center provides online trainings and materials on Medicaid's EPSDT benefit for DC providers, agencies, and families. The Health Center Resource Clearinghouse enables access to resources to assists community health centers across the country. Finally the Health Information Group provides leadership and effective management in the provision of health information delivered through technology for local, state, and national health initiatives. Combined, these projects provide a scaffold of support to everyone working in the field to improve the lives of infants, children, youth, and families.

At NCEMCH, we are committed to promoting justice, equity, diversity and belonging, and inclusion and accessibility in all aspects of our work. Read more in our Justice, Equity, Diversity and Belonging, Inclusion and Accessibility (JEDI) Statement.

Read more about our 40th Anniversary!

Our Roots

Recognizing that high-quality maternal and child health (MCH) services are vital to the health of the nation, NCEMCH was established in 1982 at Georgetown University as a national resource to the MCH community. The Center's multidisciplinary staff collaborates with a broad range of federal agencies, corporate and philanthropic partners, professional organizations, and academic institutions to:

  • Launch national health initiatives involving multiple partners.
  • Develop and disseminate culturally competent child health and development materials for families and professionals.
  • Provide state-of-the-art knowledge and information services for health professionals, educators, researchers, policymakers, service providers, business leaders, families, and the public.

Leadership, Quality, and Collaboration

NCEMCH has a distinguished record of leading national health initiatives. The Center has founded numerous resource centers and initiatives, including the Healthy Start National Resource Center, the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care, the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center, the Children's Safety Network, Bright Futures, Bright Partners, and the MCH Library.

In the past decade, NCEMCH has received over 50 awards for its outstanding contributions to the MCH field and has built a record of excellence in developing publications and products in print and electronic formats.

NCEMCH connects people with information and with each other. Using the latest technology, the Center meets the needs of a diverse MCH community. The NCEMCH website provides visitors with online access to NCEMCH initiatives, educational resources, and publications. NCEMCH is known throughout the MCH community as a center of excellence dedicated to advancing the health of our nation's children and families through partnership.

To contact NCEMCH about opportunities for collaboration, please email [email protected].